In recent years, the automotive industry has been faced with technical challenges that had to comply with various industrial norms. Some of the most important of these norms are the LV 124 and LV 148, which were drawn up by the representatives of automobile manufacturers like Audi AG, BMW AG, Volkswagen AG, Porsche AG and others. LV 124 and LV 148 describe various electrical tests and their requirements. An innovative modular hardware setup and three ready-to-use WKS Informatik GmbH products – the TubeAnalyzer , UFI Switch, RTStand SignalGeneration and RTStand – are integrated in this test setup.
RTStand LV 124 supports a modular test strategy according to the LV 124 and LV 148 norms. The Tube Analyzer is a monitoring and analysis component, developed for the LV 124 & LV 148 norms, with flexible hardware layout (8, 24, 48 and 96 pins). RTStand LV 124 is specially designed to fully-automate the LV 124 and LV 148 tests and to reduce testing times and costs. Through the modularity of this concept, the investment protection of companies is assured even when modifying test requirements and DUT definitions, lowering the total cost of ownership.
RTStand LV124 Pro – fully-automated testing systems
RTStand LV124 Starter – half-automated testing systems